What I've noticed more often than not is that the majority of the patrons of this store, people I consider "normal, everyday, human subjects" are incredibly naive and unable to make sense of the most common of Earth's practices.
A customer came into the store just the other day. This man looked to be an intelligent human. He drove a vehicle; he walked up-right; he even spoke the English language very well. But when this man came up to the register he had in his hand a beverage can that was clearly marked 'Energy Drink". So why then did this man feel the need to ask me, "Does this stuff keep you awake".
I looked at the man with surprise and just muttered out, "Yes. Probably."
He then looked at me like I was an idiot.
"Well, do you not know?", he asked with distaste in his eyes.
"Well, it says right on the label 'Energy Drink'. What do you think energy drink does, sir?"
The words slipped out before I had a chance to think about them. I couldn't believe that this human, who knew what he was buying and what it did, was asking me if this product did what it said it did on it's label, and the inquisitor in me just had to know 'why'.
But not another word was spoken between us. I feel I had upset him in some way but I still have no idea exactly how. Perhaps humans just talk for the sake of talking with no purpose to their communication.
But what about this woman? A lady comes in to purchase milk. Cow's milk as a human staple confuses me to begin with. I mean, what animal drinks another animal's milk? But I digress.
Milk does not last forever and every carton has a date of expiration on it that dictates when the carton should be discarded. So why then did this woman ask me if this milk was still in date?
I asked her, "Is there not a date on it?"
"Well, there is but I wanted to know for sure."
"For sure, what?"
"If the date was right."
"Who would change it?"
"Well, I wasn't accusing you in that's what you meant."
"What did you mean?"
I had done it again. The words just slipped out without my even thinking. This human was upset. She said she didn't like my tone and she just wanted to know if the milk was still good.
I told her milk was NEVER good for a human but this particular carton was not spoiled.
Why didn't this human believe the markings on this carton that were put there by other humans whose sole job is to mark said cartons?
I can see why humans bitterly argue and fight: they don't even trust what's right in front of their faces.
Or was this just an attempt at conversation on the part of these customers? I have found that humans are a very chatty bunch and constant reassurance of inclusion is required.
More study is needed. I feel I may be on this planet for decades.
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