It all involves quantum fields and life equations and sub-space brain pattern manipulations...see? Now I've confused the entire readership on the first damned post.
The simple: I am from another planet. A group of planets, actually. I, for lack of a better term, took over, this guy's life and persona for the purpose of intelligence gathering. Not for a planned invasion or for the research of a book. I am are here to see if Earth is ready to become what you would call, a TV program.
SO, I have a wife, two kids, a job at a convenience store (one meets a lot of different people at a convenience store) and I go to college part time.
I'm an average human, just like we planned.
Why am I telling the world. Because it's the Internet; no one will believe me and those that do will be called freaks just like me. But, my mission dictates that I gather information on the human race and what better way then to get a blog on the Internet?
So this is the first of what I hope to be many looks into what makes you humans tick.
Thanks for reading.
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